Hope in the Heart of Kibera

Improving the health of children in Kenya with safe water
At By Grace of God Orphanage within Kibera, Kenya (the largest slum in all of Africa), Kennedy Mutuku is changing lives.

Like millions of other children in Kenya, Kennedy faced the loss of both his parents at a young age. It wasn’t until he was brought to By Grace of God Orphanage that he found safety, security, and the opportunity for an education.

As an adult, he returned to his home in Kibera as Director of By Grace of God, now home to over 270 children.

Kibera is a harsh place. It is estimated there are up to two million people living in less than one square mile. The reality of living without clean water, sanitation, or healthcare means that life in Kibera is extremely difficult.

The constant threat of waterborne illness, hunger, and disease means the life expectancy in Kibera is only 30 years old.

This means many children who grow up in Kibera have one or no living parent. Today, Kennedy carries a passion to help children just like him find nutrition, education, counseling, and the opportunity to reunite with their biological families whenever possible.


Access to safe, clean water is a fundamental reality that every human being deserves.  

Yet, due to the extreme insecurity of safe water in Kibera, access to safe water was not an option for Kennedy and the children at By Grace of God.

Instead, their only option was to drink water that was often contaminated with bacteria and other harmful substances. This led to frequent illnesses and infections, which further weakened their already fragile immune systems. In response to this desperate need for safe water access, Project41 set out to make a difference.

In partnership with WorldServe International Kenya, Project41 has installed our SafeTap filters in 32 schools and orphanages in Kenya so far, as part of our larger initiative to improve access to clean water in underserved communities.

All of the locations have reported dramatic reduction of illnesses for the children. Project41 director Andy Pierce and his son Nick recently returned from visiting the schools and orphanages where our SafeTap filter is changing lives.

“We pray for you every day we take the water, that God will bless you because this gift means more than money or food. Because this gift has given us health.”

— Solomon, Founder of By Grace of God, Kenya.

The SafeTap filters have not only improved the health of the children and staff, but they have also had a positive impact on the entire community. Safe water means children will have time and energy to learn, to read, feel empowered to follow their dreams, and experience the joy of childhood with healthy bodies.

The need for safe water at By Grace of God speaks for the thousands of children who are still in desperate need for the health that safe water provides.

Our SafeTap is a solution.

“The children are no longer feeling sick and having diarrhea during the day, and are able to pursue their studies and work better. We believe that when you teach a kid early on and well that they will be able to pursue a better life!"

- Boni, Kings and Queens of Kibera Orphanage.

Because of the generosity of our Project41 community, and the ongoing support of all our donors and partners, we are eager to expand our efforts and deepen our commitment to help more children know a life of health and opportunity.

“We are thankful every day and we thank God. We are so thankful for your filter and since getting it we now have eliminated the water illness issues completely within our facility.” 

- Kennedy Mutuku, Director of By Grace of God, Kenya.


Hope on Tap